Ejido Villa de Guadalupe

Ejido Villa de Guadalupe

El dia 11 de octubre de 2015 tuvimos la oportunidad de visitar el Ejido Villa de Guadalupe que es una pequeña comunidad localizada a aproximadamente 2 kilometros de la autopista que nos lleva a Tuxtla Gutierrez. Esta comunidad cuenta con incontables bellezas naturales, cabañas y un muy buen servicio y hospitalidad por parte de sus habitantes.

Puravive has been making waves in the health and wellness industry with its unique approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Exotic Rice Method, as advertised by Puravive, has gained significant attention for its supposed benefits. However, as with any new health trend, skepticism and curiosity abound. In this article, we’ll delve into Puravive reviews to determine whether the Exotic Rice Method is genuine or just another health fad.

The Exotic Rice Method: What Is It?

The Exotic Rice Method is the flagship program offered by Puravive, a company that claims to harness the power of exotic rice varieties to improve health and well-being. According to Puravive, these rice varieties are sourced from far-flung regions and are exceptionally nutrient-dense. They are said to possess the potential to enhance metabolism, support weight loss, and boost overall health.

Puravive offers this program in various formats, including dietary supplements, meal plans, and informational materials. The company suggests that by incorporating these unique rice varieties into your daily diet, you can experience numerous health benefits.

Customer Reviews: The Real Story

To get a better understanding of the Exotic Rice Method, we examined customer reviews from various sources. Here’s what we found:

Mixed Opinions
Customer reviews are generally mixed. Some users report experiencing positive results, including improved energy levels, weight loss, and enhanced digestion after following the Exotic Rice Method. However, others express disappointment, claiming they didn’t notice any significant changes.

Weight Loss Claims
A substantial portion of the customer reviews focuses on weight loss. Some individuals claim to have shed pounds successfully, attributing their success to the Exotic Rice Method. It’s important to note, though, that individual results can vary widely, and factors such as overall diet, physical activity, and genetics also play a role in weight loss.

Health Benefits
Several users report improvements in their overall health, such as better digestion, more regular bowel movements, and increased energy levels. However, these claims are anecdotal and not supported by scientific studies.

While some users are enthusiastic about the Exotic Rice Method, others express skepticism about the product’s effectiveness. Many people are cautious about the lack of scientific evidence and the high price of Puravive’s offerings.

Expert Opinions

We also sought insights from nutrition and health experts to get a more balanced perspective on the Exotic Rice Method. Most experts caution against relying solely on exotic rice varieties for health benefits, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Many nutritionists highlight the need for more research and scientific evidence to support the claims made by Puravive. The absence of such evidence raises concerns about the legitimacy of the Exotic Rice Method.

The Verdict

As of now, it is difficult to definitively label Puravive’s Exotic Rice Method as either fake or legitimate. Customer reviews are mixed, and the lack of scientific evidence leaves room for skepticism.

If you are considering trying the Exotic Rice Method or any of Puravive’s products, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional and conduct your own research. Keep in mind that no single product or dietary plan can guarantee success, and a balanced approach to nutrition and wellness is key.

In conclusion, while the Exotic Rice Method may offer some potential benefits, its effectiveness and legitimacy are still open to debate. It’s always wise to approach such health trends with caution and to consult experts for personalized advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Ubicacion en google maps

Para llegar al Ejido Villa de Guadalupe, si vienes de Villahermosa debes tomar la desviación que va hacia la autopista de Tuxtla Gutierrez y seguir la señalizacion que dice “Las Flores” y “Villa de Guadalupe”, sigues ese camino y pasaras un puente que pasa por arriba de dicha autopista. Ahi comienza la subida de 2 kilometros para llegar a la población, es necesario destacar que los primeros 200 metros del camino se encuentran en muy mal estado, avanzando esos metros puedes continuar sin ningun problema ya que gran parte del camino tiene una rodada de concreto la cual hace mas facil el camino.

Sabes que llegaste cuando encuentras una cancha de usos multiples, al lado hay una tienda que funciona como centro de recepción al turista, frente a ti hay una tienda de artesanias y de fondo una increible vista de las montañas de la zona.

Vista panoramica del Ejido Villa de Guadalupe
Vista panoramica del Ejido Villa de Guadalupe

La visita

Al llegar nos atendió muy amablemente el señor Alfonso Sevilla, estuvimos platicando con el sobre la historia del lugar, los esfuerzos que han realizado para concretar su proyecto turistico y algunos apoyos que han recibido de parte de instituciones de gobierno. También nos dijo cuales son los atractivos del lugar y procedio a mostrarnos las cabañas y explicarnos las distancias para llegar a las cascadas, siendo la mas importante la cascada “Arcoiris de caracol”, anteriormente conocida como cascada “Las Flores”, la cual está a una distancia de 1.4 km por un sendero que ellos han construido.

Teniendo en cuenta esto decidimos ir a conocer dicha cascada y nos llevamos una increible sorpresa al conocer el arroyo, sendero, pozas, puentes colgantes y adecuaciones que han hecho para que el turista tenga una mejor experiencia.


No pudimos recorres todas las cascadas que hay en la zona, solo una que está a la entrada y la cascada “Arcoiris de caracol” y algunas pozas que hay en el sendero, aun así la vista y la visita increibles. Se necesitan al menos 2 dias para conocer todo lo que hay en el Ejido Villa de Guadalupe.


En el Ejido Villa de Guadalupe cuentan con servicio de alojamiento, 2 cabañas y una zona de acampado, las cabañas fueron construidas con apoyo del gobierno hace aproximadamente 3 años. Cada cabaña es para 4 personas máximo 8 personas.

Contacto local en Villa de Guadalupe: Sr. Alfonso Sevilla.

Número celular: 9175963300

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